Resources for Employers In Agriculture
People in Agriculture brings key members of the industry together to deliver up to date information on how to create better workplaces and attract and retain skilled employees to the industry.
Employing new staff
Getting Ready to Employ SomeoneWhen it is time to increase the size of your team there are a few questions you need to ask yourself. This section of the People in Agriculture website lays out the steps to creating a Job Description, Documents needed for Employment and Budgeting for a new Employee.
Pay Rates, Awards and PayrollThis section of the People in Agriculture website breaks down the National and State Awards and makes it easy to know what you need to be paying your workers and how to keep track of your Payroll to make sure you are keeping all the records you need as an employer.
Finding and Hiring EmployeesIf you need to know where to look for your perfect farm employee, and what things you should be asking when you interview them, this section of the People in Agriculture website goes into detail about how to find the right person for the job!
How to manage your staff
Employee Leave, Holidays and TerminationNow you have employees working on you farm you will need to know how much leave they are entitle to and what to pay for public holidays. When the time comes to let an employee go make sure you do it correctly with the simple steps outlined in this section.
Rights and Responsibilities as an EmployerYou are responsible for providing a safe and fair work environment for all your employees, your farm is their workplace. This section of the People in Agriculture website goes into detail about your legal requirements as an employer to create the best workplace for your farm workers.
Workplace Training and DevelopmentIt doesn’t matter if you employ a few key staff members, a single manager, or are responsible for a large number of employees in a corporate farm setting, it is vital to the running of your farm that you know how to engage and communicate with the people you employ.